With the Pensacola Fresh Blog, I hope to be able to peek the interest of lifelong Pensacola locals, as well as the short term visitors, and transplants alike. As it develops and takes shape, I look forward to becoming a frequent quick stop for any and everyone in Pensacola, regardless of the time spent among us. I am going to earnestly invest myself in learning (and sharing) everything that there is to know about the town that I have come to love, as well as all that makes it great and causes it to stand out from anywhere-else USA.
Don't look here, however for the bad and the ugly, instead you will find here only the good, the interesting, the inspirational and the uplifting. I would genuinely love, Love, LOVE to get emails from my readers, with contributions to-that-end. There is certain to be an immense wealth of information and trivia in all of you, and I can't wait to hear from you, and then pass your knowledge of Pensacola along.
Whether you have knowledge of the historic, or the present days; from the sublime to the ridiculous; it is all a part of what makes Pensacola so great. So then... to get the ball rolling, I offer the following short quiz, to test your personal expertise on all things Pensacola.
Be sure to let us know how you did.
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