Saturday, May 13, 2017

The following story was relayed to me by Dr. David Conkle - The founder and administrator of the Saint Joseph Clinic of Pensacola; when he viewed the attached photography taken by myself in 2016 (follow this link - to learn more about Dr. Conkle, who is himself, a remarkable man, who I am deeply honored to know.

The cross at Fort Pickens Road,a Pensacola Beach landmark, is said to have been the location of the first religious ceremony in the United States. There, a Catholic Mass celebrated the Assumption of Mary, on  August 151559.  Known as the Island Cross,  it stands  10-foot high, and is made of  concrete.  Along with the dune upon which it rests, it has survived every hurricane since it was set in place on the road to Fort Pickens Historic Military Fort/National Park. Many local residents are known to ascribe divine protection to its longevity amidst all of life's storms. 
I for one, see it as an inspirational reminder of God's perpetual presence in the lives of His own. Who doesn't need to be reminded of that regularly, in the day and times in which we now  live?

- D. Mullis

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