My life has completely and forever been changed since just over six (6) months ago; the week before Christmas 2016.
I feel compelled to figure out how to condense the messes and messages of my entire life (58 yrs in Sept.), thus far, into a relatively short - but densely packed plea to all who read this blog. The message? Choose to live life more abundantly! Live it to the fullest possible measure. Live up to everything that God Himself has gifted and equipped you to do. Settle for no less, and make no excuses for portions of your purpose yet left unfulfilled; get up from wherever you are, and go on; go forward - Do it now; Go!
Saturday - December 17th, 2016
I am calling a friend who just left my place not 60 seconds ago, and I am telling her... Come back now! I need you to take me to the hospital. Please hurry. I had held a very successful yard sale that day, and had been in the midst of some pretty radical life shifting plans. I was going to be moving out of my place, and heading back out into my US tour, to do photography, after already having toured all but four (4) US states. I had decided that things in Pensacola were moving too slowly, and I needed to do something about it, so I was going to leave the following Monday, and tour the rest of Florida, as a starting point, and then let time tell me what to do next. I had become quite restless with the passing of time, and the relentless daily reminders that I am not getting any younger.
My friend drives - on a good day, like a bat; straight out of hell, so having heard the urgency in my voice, I had barely stopped speaking when she had already pulled back up in front of my door.
Now, Having an unearthly high tolerance to pain, the fact that I would have rated the pain in my head at a twelve or more, had already made me understand - this is not good! This is very, Very... not good! So, as my friend drove/flew me to the hospital, the only thing I knew to do - to stay focused on hope, was to talk to God; Help me Jesus... Help me Jesus... Help me Jesus, was all that I said the whole trip. Then, all at once; we were at Sacred Heart, and I was being wheeled in. I was thrust onto a gurney, and my clothes were being stripped off; while a barrage of questions were being asked of me. All-the-while, all that I could do was repeat, Help me Jesus... Please, Help me !? I would have thought that I was speaking very loudly, but it turns out that my voice was barely audible. An ER doctor tried to comfort me, saying; don't worry sweet-heart, we are going to help you.
With an almost annoyed inner frustration, I recall grousing to myself, something to the effect of: Get off the line!!! I'm not talking to you! I knew in my heart of hearts that the help I needed was going to have to come from a source much higher than the plain on which I had lived my life thus far.
Don't get me wrong; I have loved God with every fiber of my being since I was 19 years old; I have loved Him more than my next breath, and would have been terrified to have lived it apart from Him, but... I had for most of my life, done things most of the time, without first checking in with him on the good or bad; the right or wrong of a thing.
Now, here I was, having six (6) years earlier - left an abusive marriage; a jealous and controlling husband, and having traveled - one day at a time doing my photography, and keeping the roof over my head; day, by day, by day, by day. The stress of all of this had lead me to the day I was now in. It had lead me to the most earnest - gutt wrenching cry out to my God for His help - ever. Even though, to doctors ears, it was no more than a week and barely audible plea.
To God, I believe it must have brought out a hallelujah chorus. I imagine singing that probably went on into the wee hours of the night, in sheer joy, that I had at last, come to the understanding, that my own efforts, done my own way; had only lead me to where I was. I had an enlarged and muscular heart from too many years of high blood pressure; and a severe bleed on the brain, from having strained it trying to understand everything, and figure it all out.
To say that I have always been a type-A personality is the understatement of all time. I have been a full blown - grade A super-freaking; over-thinker.
By rights, I should be, on this sunshiny, perfect day - sitting in a wheelchair, being fed, bathed and dressed by others; that is, if I was even alive to tell the story to anyone at all. Instead, from the very first day after my hemorrhagic stroke to the right occipital lobe I have been a living, breathing, walking, miracle.
The first day, after the stroke, when the friend who drove me to the hospital came in - I could hear and understand everything she said, but... she had no head! She is a nurse, so I would later learn why, but when she asked me how I was feeling, I just stared at her through the fog over my eyes, and said... RoxAne! You have no head!?
But, I could think; speak, follow orders, chew and swallow food, etc. Granted - my head hurt like I was being continuously beaten with a bat, I was partially blind, and light hurt so bad that I became the terrible patient that no nurse wants. I was constantly complaining - could someone please turn the light off!? Finally, on abut the third day, the nurse got brave enough to explain to me that the light, was coming from the window. Wow! Did I ever feel silly.
As time has gone by - I have learned - in no uncertain terms that I don't have to go it alone in life; with, or without a spouse. I don't have to figure it all out for myself. What it all comes down to, in the end; is thist... Jesus not only hears our cries for help, He not only cares; but He was and is there - to help us when we call.
Best of all - all of the years of doing things my way, have not been wasted. I have learned so much. More than anything else - I have learned how NOT to do things. I am no less a type A personality, than I have ever been. I am still an over-thinker, but; my heart, mind, and spirit have softened. They have opened up to a bigger hope, and to greater possibilities than I ever even imagined before. I have become so grateful for the extended life that I have been given that I have lost (in six months) over 37lbs, so far. I have gotten in better shape than I have ever been in my entire adult life, and it is hilarious to me, how many whistles and horns I have been getting of late. Not that I am looking for another man. God no!!! I want to live the life He has - for me!!! Whatever it looks like. I want that for you too!
My earnest prayer is for Gods very best for you all!; All of it, nothing held back, nothing left out!!!
Even so-be-it! Amen.